Friday, August 29, 2008

Homogenized milk and Daycare

Since we arrived here in Montreal, i started introducing 3.25% homogenized / fresh milk to Elyse but i wasn't successful. She still prefer the Nestle formula or follow-up milk. For the past couple of days, i started mixing it again in her daily diet and yesterday she wasn't aware that she's already taking pure homo! I'm so happy that finally she didn't bother to ask for "new milk" or "change to other milk". I was waiting for her reaction but she took it just like her formula.

I'm still actively searching for a good daycare.. the reason why I'm not visible in the blogosphere these days. I have visited a lot of daycare and I'm so so happy that i found a very good, clean, organized and educative daycare just 10minutes away from my place. The Romanian owner is very nice, she's a bit strict with her policies but i guess she can work things out. I guess she's experienced in her field, i trust her and i know she can take care of Elyse. I was surprised when she told me not to bring Elyse's feeding bottles, and on her first day i don't even have to stay, it's a bit strange, I'm getting nervous too because I really don't know what will happen. But she assures that Elyse will get used to it. According to her, "she will be fine!". She told me not to worry too much. She knows the feeling of a first time mother and leaving my precious daughter behind will never be easy, most especially she is my only child but she made me understand that it's only for the best. It will be the first time that Elyse will stay in the daycare and will be away for 8 hours a day, 5 times a week. So, my husband who was also surprised, laughed over things after i told him the scenario. He said "good luck" to her and hoping she can easily pull things off.

Now, we are always telling Elyse that soon she will go to school and she just have to be nice to her classmates and teachers, that mommy and daddy will go to office so she can have more toys. She said "yes" but this morning when she woke up and i was not beside her, Fred told her that mommy is in the office.. she cried a lot and screamed "mommy, mommy!". Well, good luck to us! September 8 is her first day in the daycare. I hope that Elyse will cooperate well with us! I really hope that "she'll be fine!".

Happy weekend to all!


heartcaptures said...

hello. how old is elyse? we're relatively new in sydney and we're in the same predicament re daycare.

anyhoo, hopping from LP. happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Homogenized milk also helps deal with a side effect of pasteurization. When milk is heated, the white cells and bacteria collect on the bottom of the milk, forming a thick, and many think, disagreeable layer. When milk has been fed thorough a small tube or orifice, this bottom layer gets mixed through the milk.

