Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What's up with her?

This morning, Elyse just bite the teat of her feeding bottle and tear it. Lately, biting is back in her routine and i guess because of those teeny-weeny-teeth coming out again. But this one must be her worst bite ever, take a look!
I'm sorry for big bird because she's always been her favorite friend to bite. Sorry for the word, but nose picking is another bad habit she's been doing lately. I caught her but still kept on doing that while i was taking pictures. From time to time she would say "yuck" and smile on the camera like she's doing it only for fun and picture purposes. My super kulit bulilit is growing up fast and will soon turn 2. Whenever asked how old was she, she would respond "I'm one year old", i reminded her that next month she will be "2 years old". Surprisingly, she said "Oh no!."

As I've mentioned in my previous blog, Elyse had her first haircut in Manila and here's the storyboard.

1 comment:

Abu Zunnur said...

You're blessed with cute and sweet little kids! Its so wonderful to watch kids growing up.